Notes on electronic communication with ZED Ziegler Electronic Devices GmbH
The transmission of electronic documents to ZED Ziegler Electronic Devices GmbH via email/internet is permissible under the following conditions only:
- Access points in the context of this access opening are the e-mail addresses published on the ZED Ziegler Electronic Devices GmbH website and business papers.
- In the context of electronic communication the following file formats (including file identifier) are accepted:
- Adobe Acrobat from Version 10.0 (.pdf)
- Rich Text Format (.rtf)
- Microsoft Word without Macro (.docx)
- Microsoft Excel without Macro (.xlsx)
- text formats (.txt,.csv)
- graphic formats: (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .tiff)
- compressed, not self-extracting files (.zip, .rar, .gz)
Said files must not contain automated scripts, macros or programming - Emails with executable files (e.g. *.exe, *.bat) will be deleted unread.
- The total files size of a single email including attachments is limited to 10 Megabyte.
- All emails are checked for viruses and spam. Emails classified as infected with viruses will be deleted unread.
- If an email cannot be processed (e.g. caused by viruses, spam, technical issues), no electronic feedback is given to the sender. It is up to the sender to get confirmation of the correct e-mail receipt, if needed.
- Documents containing fiscal-relevant contents, such as order confirmation, delivery notes, invoices, cancellations, credit notes are also accepted depending on agreement.
- Correspondence that requires the applicable judicial written form is not permitted to be transmitted in electronic form, until further notice.
- Emails with qualified electronic signature or De-Mail cannot be accepted for technical and organizational reasons. Exceptions must be individually agreed previously.
- For encrypted email transmission please contact our IT department.